Tuesday, May 18, 2010

VIDEO: Ramona Falls - "Russia"

Incredibly well done on all fronts. 

The song starts off like a mellow acoustic number, but ends up building into something much grander. And then all of a sudden, it runs with a clever snare drum pattern. It's a hauntingly beautiful tune filled with an air of sorrow from a man who is trying to win back the love of his life. 

The video fits perfectly with the music and actually makes the song all the more poignant. The man follows her through a park, a rollerskating rink, an amusement park, and many other locales, trying to win her back with origami, flowers, a choreographed dance with dragons, a puppy -- no dice. See more of their adventure below.

"Russia" is from Ramona Falls' debut album, Intuit, out now on Barsuk.

Ramona Falls Official Site
Ramona Falls @ Facebook
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Ramona Falls @ Twitter
Barsuk Records

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