Friday, August 06, 2010

LISTEN: The 88 - "They Ought To See You Now"

L.A.'s The 88 recently released a new single entitled "Love Is the Thing," recorded entirely on an iPhone using the FourTrack application (single art above). You can grab the track on iTunes and watch the video of them recording the song here.

As previously reported, The 88 have a new self-titled album on the way, due out on September 14th. Below you can hear a song from the new album.

The 88 - "They Ought To See You Now"

A straightforward rocker, with bursts of organ that tear through crisp electric guitars. The guitars rock and rolls, energizing the song along with the impassioned vocal delivery of singer Keith Slettedahl. It's tight-knit with perfectly placed fills and stops. It's the equivalent of driving around in the summer with the windows down, air combing your hair.

The 88 Official Site

The 88 @ Facebook
The 88 @ Twitter
The 88 @ MySpace

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