Tuesday, October 19, 2010

SPINNING: What I've Been Listening to Recently

I've always wanted to make video a bigger part of Mixtape Muse. Last night, I was thinking about what I had been listening to and decided I'd try out a new feature called "Spinning" where I (Quinn) share what I've been listening to lately in a short video. For this first installment, I mainly just focused on some albums I've been playing as of late that I have particularly enjoyed (and recommend checking out). Maybe in future episodes I'll share singles I've been digging, as well. I spend a lot of time going through my inbox, listening to new music, so I don't necessarily always get around to listening to full albums. In fact, I often feel rather scatterbrained when it comes to deciding what to listen to, because I'm always searching for, checking out, or receiving new music. I'll quit blabbing and leave you to it...

Please, do share what you've been listening to. I'd really love to hear what other people are spinning and digging right now.


Anonymous said...

Tim Kasher - The Game of Monogamy

Quinn S. said...

I haven't checked that one out yet, but I've been a fan of Cursive. Thanks for stopping by and sharing.