Friday, June 17, 2011

A Note for Those Waiting On A Post, Waiting to Hear Back On A Submission

Just a quick note to those who've sent in a submission and have yet to hear back (to clarify, this is not in regards to press releases from PR firms). My inbox is a mess and, working full-time, I do not get an adequate amount of time to sift through everything promptly. Even if it's been a while, I've probably not had a chance to review your submission. Key points I'm trying to make:

1) I really, really, really, really am flattered that you want a write-up on Mixtape Muse and I really, really, really, really appreciate you sharing your music. Really!

2) I wish I could write about all the submissions that I dig, but, honestly, I don't have the time to do so -- at least not in a timely manner. Between writing album reviews and trying to post fresh content every day, I need some time to just unwind after the work day or a long work week.

3) I'm a musician. I've been on the other side of things, trying to get people to listen to and share my music. So, I can't stress enough how much I understand how things go on the other end, on your end. Unfortunately, I need to make money somehow to support myself and build a life for myself. This site is nothing but a labor of love -- not to mention one of my main motivations for getting up in the morning. If I could just spend my days writing about music, I would do it in a heartbeat. But life isn't always what you want it to be.

I do what I can, and I value submissions and readers more than you will ever know.
Thanks for reading.
Have a great weekend.

Much love,

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